Throughout the destroyed Northstar-IV space station the user encounters a great deal of consoles and other hardware with interactive displays. ADR1FT’s absolutely amazing Concept Artist Oscar Carafalo authored the majority of the source art seen below. I integrated the flat art into our UI pipeline. Our amazing UI Engineer Shane Costello implemented and maintained the blueprint system by which the screens were constructed. Together, Shane and I created a common param language to drive interactivity via material switches. Often, a single material could be packed with a dozen or more parameters.



I developed a lot of Hud and Ambient Monitor look dev studies and a nice amount of monitor ambience seen throughout the Northstar IV. We talked a lot about our favorite influences and styles. A few paths emerged; 2001 and lo-fi. The compositions here show this early period of exploration.

I started with very basic lo-fi ideas. If you look close you’ll see some influence from the ambient displays seen in the film ALIEN. We quickly nixed color complexity.




Scattered throughout the Northstar IV are ambient displays in various states of distress and interactive terminals. Early look dev here. The prime influence is the film “2001: A Space Odyssey”, which I believe I had running continually in the background for about a year during my time on ADR1FT. I absolutely fell in love with the minimalist production design. The sense of grace and storytelling in the displays. I begin my explorations with some fairly straightforward recreations and derivations of screens seen in the Discovery One space ship.



In addition, I incorporated various real-world telemetry and reference that I felt contained a sense of beauty and storytelling that dovetailed with our narrative.



ADR1FT’s EVA Repair Station terminal is a tribute to the HAL-9000. On the far right is the final emissive texture. Some screens also contained or were downright Easter eggs…



I developed a lot of data spew textures that I incorporated into several displays – This is ambient satellite data, Earth/Moon orbital data, and narrative elements



And of course; crew screens! No Easter eggs, but the devil’s in the details. Lots of references to Hardiman Industries and Hardiman Aerospace employee data, actual email addresses, mission roles, and a lot of biographical information.